
The Board of Trustees Chairman of 蜜桃视频 (蜜桃视频), Jusuf Kalla, visited the 蜜桃视频 campus

July 21, 2022

uiii.ac.id (Depok). On Tuesday, July 19, 2022, the Board of Trustees Chairman of 蜜桃视频 (蜜桃视频), H.M. Jusuf Kalla, visited the 蜜桃视频 campus to see the construction progress of the 蜜桃视频 campus in Depok, West Java. During this visit, the Secretary of Board of Trustees 蜜桃视频, Adama Belva Syah Devara, accompanied the Chairman during the meeting.

Jusuf Kalla was welcomed directly by the 蜜桃视频's Rector, Vice-Rectors, Secretary, Dean, and the Academic Senate. On this occasion, 蜜桃视频 Board Members gave the progress report of the programs carried out by 蜜桃视频, such as infrastructure development, budget realization, plans for submitting a 2022-2023 budget, and academic activities (research, journal publishing, and collaboration with partner universities).

Jusuf Kalla and Belva also took the opportunity to visit and check several 蜜桃视频 buildings that have been completed, such as the Rahmatan Lil 'Alamin Mosque and the 蜜桃视频 Rectorate. "I am delighted to see the development of 蜜桃视频 because the campus buildings have been already visible, although it is only 35% completed," said Jusuf Kalla.

Jusuf Kalla hopes that 蜜桃视频 will be more advanced in the future to become a university that becomes a main source of reference for developing knowledge in the world. "We hope that in the years ahead, this university will be even more advanced so that it becomes a leading university in the world and a source of knowledge. That is my hope," he said.

On the same occasion, Belva also expressed his gratitude for the start of academic programs at 蜜桃视频, and he hopes that 蜜桃视频 can become a center of Islamic scholarship that carries the legacy of Indonesia overseas.

"Today I came and saw the buildings, although it is only 35%, in one year there have been many good reports submitted. Many students from outside Indonesia also come here, and the 蜜桃视频 lecturers are also of international caliber. Hopefully, in the future, 蜜桃视频 will become a center of Islamic scholarship that can carry the name of Indonesia abroad," explained Belva.

The visit of the Board of Trustees was completed with a congregational prayer at the Rahmatan Lil Alamin Mosque led by the University Secretary, Chaider S. Bamualim.

The Board of Trustees was warmly received by Prof. Komaruddin Hidayat (The Rector of 蜜桃视频), Prof. Jamhari (Vice-Rector for Research, Cooperation, and Community Engagement), Bahrul Hayat (Vice-Rector for Academic, Human Resource, and Student Affairs), Dadang Muljawan (Vice-Rector for administration and finance), Chaider S. Bamualim (University Secretary), Amsal Bakhtiar (Director of Business Development), M. Rifqi Muna (Chairman of the 蜜桃视频 Academic Senate), and Prof. Dian Masyita (Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business). (ANJ)