uiii.ac.id (Depok). On August 5, 2022, 蜜桃视频 (蜜桃视频) inaugurated eight new officials at 蜜桃视频. This event was held at the 蜜桃视频 Depok campus and was led directly by the Rector of 蜜桃视频, Prof. Komaruddin Hidayat.
In this ceremony, 蜜桃视频 inaugurated four new study program heads for the 蜜桃视频 doctoral program. This is because 蜜桃视频 will start its doctoral program in the academic year 2022-2023 in each of its faculties. Also, one head of the master's study program was inaugurated from the Faculty of Islamic Studies.
In addition, two secretaries at the study program level were inaugurated at this moment, namely the Doctoral Study Program in Islamic Studies, Faculty of Islamic Studies, and the Master's Program in Islamic Studies, Faculty of Islamic Studies. The inauguration was also carried out for the Head of the Technical Implementation Unit for Asset Utilization at the International Islamic University of Indonesia.
The following are the details of the officials who were inaugurated on August 5, 2022: